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As I sit in my cozy kitchen, gazing out the window and savoring my steaming hot coffee, I can't help but reflect on the incredible kindness of God. I feel His reassuring presence in my heart, reminding me of the countless ways He has shown me favor.

There are moments when I find myself struggling and questioning His presence amidst life's challenges. However, He gently nudges me to appreciate the beauty of today – the radiant sunshine and the delicate flowers swaying in the meadows. In these simple yet profound moments, I am overwhelmed with gratitude, sensing His divine touch in the everyday miracles surrounding me, prompting me to bow my head and offer a prayer of thanks.

All of us have blessings from our good God that we can reflect on.

The blessings I have in my life are vast, and they sometimes seem unfathomable. One particular blessing that I hold dear is the unwavering and unconditional support of my loved ones. My family is my anchor; their presence is a source of immeasurable joy and strength.

Each new day is a gift we can cherish. Let’s strive to remain mindful of this fact and to maintain awareness that even in challenging times and on the most difficult days God is trustworthy. God’s plan is greater.

Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.

Everyone faces storms in life. At such times, it's important to consider our circumstances from a spiritual perspective. We often only see our current challenges and forget that unseen spiritual factors are always at play. We can find comfort in believing God is always with us, guiding us through difficult times. It is good to remind ourselves that we are loved and cherished as Daughters of the King.

As I rest in the warmth of my familiar kitchen, a gentle voice stirs within me, reminding me of the immeasurable blessings that grace my life each day. During the difficult times, I find myself getting up off the ground, brushing off the remnants of adversity, and recollecting the knowledge that a guiding presence accompanies me. And on the days when the radiance of life gleams brilliantly, akin to a newly minted copper penny, I bow my head in quiet communion, entreating the Lord to steady my spirit and fortify my awareness of life's gifts.

His blessings are always present.

I fervently seek His assurance that I am not traversing this path alone and implore for the perseverance to remain grateful regardless of the challenges that may present themselves. As we navigate this journey, we must recognize the transient nature of our trials and remember that God's assurance never guaranteed a life devoid of difficulties.

As I now stand gazing out my kitchen window, I am filled with gratitude for the warm sunshine bathing the garden, causing the vibrant flowers to dance in the gentle breeze. Above, the sky stretches out in a flawless expanse of deep blue without a single cloud in sight.

Take a moment to pause and look around. Notice the blessings from God that surround you. Even if you’re having the hardest day of your life, God’s goodness is there. You may just have to look a little harder. Today is a day of breathtaking beauty to cherish.

Bobbie Nave

Bobbie Nave is a proud mother of two wonderful childen and a loving grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren. In addition to her roles as a mother and a grandmother, she is also a passionate motivational speaker and a published author. Her primary mission is to empower and guide others in understanding their identity in Christ and to increase their awareness of spiritual attacks by the enemy. Her ultimate goal is to help them grow into formidable prayer warriors capable of engaging in and winning spiritual battles. Read more of her writings here.


Mary Bender 8 months ago

What a great reminder. This was beautifully written.

Sharon Dick 7 months ago

What an awesome reminder that God is always near to us even when we aren't even thinking about him.

Donna VanWert 7 months ago

Bobbie - I love "an attitude of gratitude". Thanks for the great encouragement!

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