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Join us for this 6 week study. Meets weekly on Wednesdays.

When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was “undone” by his sinfulness in view of God’s holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah essentially said, “Here I am. Send me. I don’t care where. I’m yours! I’ll do whatever!” He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord.  

In this 6-session study from Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light—confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame—because Jesus experienced shame in our place. 


  • Gain perspective on sources of shame and grasp a vision for how to find freedom through God’s Word. 
  • Experience the miraculous shift of living in light of the gospel today rather than hoping for a happy someday.
  • Learn from the stories of women and men in the Bible who overcame their shame to walk in the freedom of God.


Suggested $5 Donation to attend.

Purchase Workbook Here!